Samsung has introduced its Samsung Galaxy Pro B7510 Business phone in India. This candy bar mobile device is now available in Indian market and online stores at a discounted price of around Rs. 12,290. The Galaxy Pro specially designed for business professionals has full QWERTY Keyboard. The Galaxu Pro is equipped with MSM7227-1 Turbo 800 and MHz Qualcomm processor running Google Android 2.2 Froyo OS, supports 3G (HSPA 7.2 Mbps), wi-fi, EDGE, GPRS, Bluetooth and A-GPS for data connectivity, equipped with 3.15 Mega Pixel camera and comes with pre-installed 2GB memory card, 2.8” capacitive touchscreen and 512 MB of RAM.
Samsung Galaxy Pro B7510 Features & specifications
- OS : Android 2.2 Froyo
- CPU : 800 MHz processor
- Display : 2.8 inches Capacitive touchscreen, 320 x 240 pixels
- QWERTY keyboard
- Proximity sensor for auto turn-off
- 3G enabled (HSPA 7.2 Mbps)
- Wi-fi, wi-fi hotspot, Bluetooth, A-GPS, JAVA
- Internal Memory : 512 MB
- Storage : 2GB included microSD (expandable upto 32GB)
- 3.15 MP Camera auto focus (no secondary camera)
- Standard battery Li-Ion 1350 mAh
- Price : Around Rs 12,290/-
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