AP Telecom is a telecom portal providing info about the latest buzz in Andhra Pradesh Telecom Sector regarding offers, VAS, promotions by the various mobile operators of AP [BSNL, AirTel, Vodafone, !dea, Aircel, uninor, Virgin Mobile, TATA Docomo, TATA Indicom, MTS, Reliance Mobile, Loop Mobile, T24 Mobile, Videocon, Cheers Mobile] and many more. It also provides info about the latest mobile phones, e-gadgets, technology enhancements and so on.
AP Telecom website is run and maintained by KarTech Solutions Pvt Ltd, a Techno Innovative Group located at Kurnool in Andhra Pradesh, India. Its team members are Karthik Jammulapati and Vishaal Jammulapati