Vodafone Super Week 2 offered free games on mobile for its 2G and 3G customers till 29th April and now Vodafone has announced its third offer under ‘Vodafone Super Week’ campaign. This week’s Vodafone Super Week is ‘Email Super Week’ which will offer free access to Yahoo mail and Gmail on mobile till 6th May 2011. Vodafone customers can avail this offer simply by send SMS SUPER to 111( toll free). Vodafone Super Week advertising campaign is already running at the top of the charts and appreciated by one and all featuring its much loved Zoozoos in 3G avatar. Vodafone started Super Week by offering free access to social networking sites facebook, twitter and orkut followed by free download of games in the second Super Week. All freebies are based on mobile internet and Vodafone aims to enhance its usage and penetration of such services among its users. Vodafone customers should take care of following things to avoid getting charged for data under this offer. a-clicking through from the free site to other websites/applications;
b. sites fetching ads/sponsored urls from other sources/websites;
c. browsing through certain mobile browsers (like Opera mini);
d. accessing non-mobile versions of the sites;e. accessing the email applications through downloaded applications rather than browsing to the websites
f. accessing a newsletters/direct mailers received in the mail where the images are downloaded from the external site.
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