Zen Mobile has launched a triple GSM phone called M111 in India. The device works on triple standby, or uses one SIM card while two are on standby, and is available for about Rs 3,500. The candy bar shaped phone has a 2.4 inch screen and comes with detachable red and white panels so users may change the color of their mobile.
However, just this week Akai released a triple GSM SIM phone called Trio in India. Both Intex and a brand by the name of Lephone have two GSM + one CDMA phones as well.
Zen Mobile's M111 has an ebook reader; a 1.3 mega pixel camera with digital zoom; a video recorder; FM radio and 6-band equalizer in the music player. The phone's memory can be expanded up to 8 GB and it supports both English and Hindi. M111 uses WAP, Bluetooth, GPRS and has a USB port as well. The phone has a torch, and uses a 1500 mAh battery, which according to the company, supports the device for up to 280 hours on standby mode or for five hours of talk time.
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